Tanteks Forte - a combined herbal remedies for maintaining men's health. The recipe, compiled from ancient manuscripts, is a kind of guarantee of efficiency, because it has been tested in practice by millions of men for centuries. The drug is recommended for impotence, poor erection or insufficient libido. Its vegetable and mineral formula, consisting of more than 20 ingredients, is a unique and harmless regulator of potency.
The drug has the ability to enhance sexual desire and the sensitivity of nerve endings. In addition, he treats a wide range of other more serious ailments of the male genitourinary system.
How often in modern medicine, male infertility is regarded as the final diagnosis, which has to be taken for granted, and patients do not even hope to find a solution to this problem. But in Ayurveda there is a proven tool for centuries based on the strongest plant aphrodisiacs, with which you can successfully heal male infertility and problems with the genitourinary system. Due to the stimulation of secretion of the semen, improvement of its quality, normalization of erectile function, the drug solves the deep cause of the dysfunction of the reproductive system.
Regular use has a tonic, stimulating and androgenic effect. When this happens, active libido stimulation occurs, sexual desire increases, and sexual activity is normalized. Herbal components of the drug increase stamina, relieve spasmodic and stressful conditions, dilate blood vessels.
It is recommended for men in old age and everyone who has problems with potency.
Active ingredients:
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera).Increases stamina, increases the level of sexual energy. The roots of this plant have excellent tonic, stimulating properties. It has an invaluable effect on the entire body, saturating all its tissues with microelements and vitamins, rejuvenates and tones it from the inside. Normalizes cholesterol, strengthens the heart. Ashwagandha contains phytosterols, which are an analogue of testosterone. For this reason, it is more often used for the correction of sexual disorders in both men and women. Increases mental and physical endurance, restores the body after severe diseases and surgical interventions. Slows down the process of age-related changes in muscles, bones and joints, activates energy metabolism in the body. improves memory, gives strength, nourishes the body with essential vitamins and microelements, reduces the intensity of neurosis, strengthens the heart. Used as an aphrodisiac and a means to improve brain activity, has a calming effect, relieves insomnia and chronic fatigue.
Shiladzhyt (Asphaltum).Mumiyo is a complex chemical formation, the so-called "mountain pitch." It is a highly water soluble mixture of organic and inorganic substances. Mumiyo Shiladzhit produced from a mixture mined in the mountains of Tibet and the Himalayas. For medical purposes, the mummy is cleaned of impurities in compliance with all hygienic standards. The structure of the mummy includes 28 chemical elements, micro-and macronutrients, metal oxides, amino acids, tar-like substances and essential oils. It slows down the aging process, has a positive effect on a huge number of diseases, increases endurance, positively affects the state of the immune system, restores after physical exertion. Contains the minerals necessary to maintain a vital balance in the body. The minerals that make up the Shiladjeet not similar to minerals in bio-additives on the market. They are represented in the ionic form and therefore they are easily and completely absorbed by all cells of the body.
Mukuna stinging (Mucuna pruriens).It is a strong male aphrodisiac. The most valuable property of burning flour is that it promotes male fertility, stimulates semen secretion, increases the concentration of motile sperm in sperm, strengthens potency, normalizes erectile function, and acts gradually and naturally, solving the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction. According to the results of the research, it turned out that the burning Mukuna contains an amino acid, which, under the influence of biochemical processes, is easily transformed into a neurotransmitter, similar to dopamine, which is responsible for pleasure, satisfaction and a sense of relaxation, motivation. And it is this extremely valuable similarity with dopamine that caused
Shatavari (Asparagus rasemuosus). Another name for this plant is asparagus. It is considered the best tonic for the reproductive system, treats many diseases associated with it, even those considered to be quite serious. Saponins, hormone-like substances contained in shatavari, are very similar to those produced by the body itself, due to which many miraculous properties of the plant arise. It improves spermatogenesis and is used in the complex treatment of impotence, also prevents the growth of the prostate gland, is effective for hemorrhoids and bleeding.
Gokshura (Tribulus tirrestris). The most popular plant from the therapeutic composition of Dashamul. Promotes healing of the urinary system, has a tonic effect on it. It has a selective anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect on the urinary system. It improves the quality of sperm, increases the potency and is an excellent means of prevention of prostatitis and adenoma. Restores the balance of Vata dosha. It also helps with liver and kidney diseases. Cleans them due to the significant content of silicic acid. It helps with diseases of the joints. Promotes excretion of excess fluid, eliminates edema, is used in the treatment of urolithiasis.
Bala (Sida cordifolia). Aphrodisiac. Harmonizes all three doshas. Refers to rasayana (anti-aging elixir). It is a powerful natural tonic for the whole body. It has an anti-stress effect on the nervous system, rejuvenates the tissues of organs. Anabolic, cardiotonic, immunomodulator.
Dashamoola. Classic Ayurvedic composition of ten medicinal roots. It is believed that in combination have a very strong healing effect. It consists of: bilva, shionaka, patala, shaliparna, prisniparna, brihati, kantakari, gokshura, agnimatkh, kasmarya. It improves the state of the neuroendocrine system, regulating the function of the thyroid, pancreas, thymus, adrenal glands, reproductive system. It has a rejuvenating effect on the body.
Instructions for use: 2 tablets 2 times a day. Ayurvedic doctors advise to drink Tentex Forte with milk or tea and take a course of 45-50 days.
Contraindications: renal and heart failure, hypertension and progressive atherosclerosis. The drug is recommended to take the appointment and under the supervision of a specialist.
Composition Tanteks Forte:each tablet contains: Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) - 10 mg, Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) - 81 mg, Argyrea beautiful (Argyreia speciosa) - 32 mg, Mukuna burning (Mucuna Pruriens) - 32 mg, Saffron (Crocus Sativus) - 25 mg, Chilibuha (Strychnos nux-vomica) - 16 mg, Slyunogon medicinal (Anacyclus pyrethrum) - 16 mg, Bala (Sida Cordifolia) - 16 mg, Cotton tree (Bombax malabaricum) - 16 mg, Black Pepper (Piper Nigrum) - 5 mg; Mineral components (Minerals or Bhasma): Trivang Bhasma (Trivang bhasma) - 32 mg, Shiladzhyt (Asphaltum) - 32 mg, Makardvadzh Bhasma (Makardhwaj bhasma) - 16 mg, processed in (Processed In): Bala (Sida Cordifolia) - QS (required amount), Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) - QS, Ipomoea (Ipomoea Digitata) - QS (required amount), Betel (Piper Betle) - QS (required amount), Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) - QS (required amount), Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris) - QS (required amount), Gooodoo (Tinospora Cordifolia) - QS (required amount), Argyrea beautiful (Argyreia Speciosa) - QS (required amount), Acacia Arabian (Acacia Arabica) - QS (required amount); Dashamoola (Qash (required amount); Preservatives: Methyl paraben (Methyl paraben), Propyl paraben (Propyl paraben); Dyes (Color): Silver (Silver Lief), Titanium Dioxide (Titanium Dioxide) - CI 77891. (required amount), Dashamoola (Dashamoola) - QS (required amount); Preservatives: Methyl paraben (Methyl paraben), Propyl paraben (Propyl paraben); Dyes (Color): Silver (Silver Lief), Titanium Dioxide (Titanium Dioxide) - CI 77891. (required amount), Dashamoola (Dashamoola) - QS (required amount); Preservatives: Methyl paraben (Methyl paraben), Propyl paraben (Propyl paraben); Dyes (Color): Silver (Silver Lief), Titanium Dioxide (Titanium Dioxide) - CI 77891.
Purpose: impotence, weak erection, decreased libido, inflammation of the urinary system.
Special features
Active ingredients:
Arabian acacia (Acacia arabica)
Argyrea beautiful (Argyreia speciosa)
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Bala (Sida cordifolia)
Betel (Piper betle)
Hibiscus (Hibiskus)
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris)
Buzzing (Tinospora cordifolia)
Makardwaj bhasma (Makardhwaj bhasma)
Mukuna burning (Mucuna pruriens)
Medicinal swine (Anacyclus pyrethrum)
Trivang bhasma
Cotton tree (Bombax malabaricum)
Black pepper (Piper nigrum)
Chilibuha (Strychnos nux-vomica)
Shatavari (Asparagus racemuosus)
Saffron (Crocus)
Shiladzhyt (Asphaltum)
Ayurveda appointment:
Man's health
Genitourinary system
Tanteks Forte, men's health, 100 tab, manufacturer Himalaya; Tentex Forte, 100 tabs, Himalaya
- Brand: Himalaya
- Product Code:Tentex Forte 100 tabs Himalaya
- Availability:In Stock