Trishun - a great tool to eliminate the symptoms of colds, infectious diseases and toxins from the body. It works effectively if you apply it at the first sign of a cold, malaise, weakness.
The composition includes such fine Trishun antiprostudnye drugs like Sudarshan Churna, which contains over 50 ingredients, and Tribhuvan Keerti race. Tool quickly removes the heat of the flu and colds, and runny nose and sore throat. In addition, it improves metabolism, removes toxins and neutralize the negative effects provoked by them in the form of an infectious disease. It also supports the liver and is an excellent antiseptic.
In the period from the beginning of spring - to the end of Autumn Trishun most important use as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. In cases of acute catarrhal diseases involving elevated temperatures, it is necessary to strictly limit the power take warming herbs and spices for stimulation of respiratory system, as well as the drug submitted for rapid clearance of toxins from the body until full recovery.
Not only effective, but also safe remedy for colds.
Active ingredients:
Swertia cirat (Swertia chirata). Many Ayurvedic doctors value the plant for its effective action in various diseases, including bloody vomiting, dropsy, diseases during pregnancy, fever, intermittent fever, skin lesions and blood contamination. Like other bitters, Swertia - stomach, laxative, anthelmintic, as well as a febrifuge. Taking the drug increases appetite, enhances digestion, reduces flatulence, jaundice, and reduces the acidity of the stomach. A number of Indian doctors recommend Swertia with staphylococcal infections. This is a very good remedy for chronic fevers and liver complications after their termination, it helps to recover from fever. It helps with atonic dyspepsia, flatulence, loss of appetite, helminthiasis, skin diseases.
Candal (Santalum album). Sandalwood is a refrigerant, it is very useful during gastritis, burning sensations in the arms and legs.
Golden turmeric (Curcuma longa). Has a warming effect and harmonizes all types of constitution is effective for arthritis, muscle pain, rheumatism, bruises, sores, dermatitis, toothache, menstrual irregularities, cough, diabetes, hemorrhoids, cuts, wounds, burns, skin diseases, jaundice, relieves anxiety , stress, raises immunity.
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). The well-known anti-aging herb. Slows the graying of hair and accelerates their growth, a positive effect on memory and eyesight, cures diseases of the lungs and digestive system, acts as a mild laxative, improves immunity and normalize digestion. It helps to get rid of parasites, to restore normal intestinal microflora.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale). Restores digestion and appetite, eliminates nausea, burns fat, clears toxins, gives the body's defenses.
Aigle jelly (Aegle marmelos). Good effect on the nervous system, stops cough, eliminating the hassles such as colic, insomnia. It has analgesic and antispasmodic effect.
Him (Azadirachta indica). It is truly a miracle plant, is extremely widely used in Ayurveda. Residents of India since ancient times used its healing properties. Especially effective in disorders Pitta and Kapha. The most important property of neem, as well as other bitter herbs, is the liberation of the body from toxins, fungal infections, and various parasites. It is used as one of the best cleansers for skin and blood. There are also antipyretic properties of this plant and the general anti-aging effect that it can have on the entire body. It is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. It has a rejuvenating effect, improves immunity, enhances the protective functions of the organism.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). It improves immune status, stop premature aging, reduces heat and cleanses the body of toxins.
Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum). It is often recommended for respiratory infections and bronchopulmonary diseases, asthma. Alkaloids in the composition of plants eliminate chronic cough and rhinitis caused by cold air or a pungent odor.
Holarena (Holarrhena antidysenterica). The plant has antiseptic, antiinflammatory, antipyretic and disinfectant properties. Its medicinal properties and are used extensively in the treatment of diseases and gall bladder, arthritis and osteochondrosis. Kutadzhu used for skin infections, any damage in the form of abscesses, trauma, ulcers, especially festering and festering.
Terminalia Bellirica (Terminalia belerica). Rejuvenating plant with tonic, anthelmintic, laxative effect. It helps with a number of diseases and tidies high vata dosha. Displays stones from ischevaritelnogo tract and a positive effect on all bodily functions.
Moringa (Moringa oleifera). It has anti-arthritis, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antioxidant, diuretic, sedative and anti-viral action. Mainly used for diseases of the joints accompanied by pain and swelling. It has a pronounced antibacterial and antiviral properties. Rich in chlorophyll, a natural multivitamin.
Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara). Strong antibacterial plant is used to treat rheumatism, skin diseases, ulcers, tuberculosis, respiratory diseases.
Amla (Emblica officinalis). This plant - the most abundant natural source of vitamin C, due to which has powerful antioxidant properties and immunopotentiator, removes toxins, promotes good digestion. Extremely effectively used in the treatment of liver diseases due to the high content of Vitamin C. It is useful also in reducing of view. The plant has a therapeutic effect when cold, toning and strengthening the body. The fruit pulp is the main component Chyavanprash.
Wrestler (Aconitum palmatum). It refers to poisonous plants, but in a strictly moderate concentration has a pronounced therapeutic effect in certain kinds of ailments. Healing tincture Fighter recommended to be taken orally with pneumonia, all kinds of tumors, rheumatism, gout, arthritis, arthrosis, sciatica, osteochondrosis, nervous diseases, multiple sclerosis, tuberculosis, asthma, as well as an external agent - cancer, muscle diseases, malignant boils.
Black Pepper (Pepper nigrum). It improves the motility of the stomach and removes excess mucus. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and also improves the blood circulation and the immune system, helps with colic, constipation, food poisoning and respiratory diseases. Relieves migraine and headache.
Pippali (Piper longum). Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates flatulence, constipation and other stomach problems, helps with colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, asthma, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, stimulates the brain.
Tankan bhasma (Borax). Specially treated powder borax (borax). It is used to treat cough, wheezing, bronchitis, and other breathing problems. It normalizes monthly, relieves pain in the abdomen, eliminating halitosis is antispasmodic, diuretic, antibacterial, helping to lose weight.
Indian barberry (Berberis aristata). Is an excellent disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, astringent and an antioxidant effect. It purifies the blood, treating a wide range of zabolevanij fevers, itching, burning, cold and yeast to diabetes, hepatitis and gastrointestinal diseases. Among its main features are used in Ayurveda is the ability to purify the skin, remove scars and pigmentation. Also it helps with a hangover, improves circulation, lowers blood pressure, quenches thirst, strengthens the gums, improves hair growth and prevents dandruff.
Instructions for use: 2 times daily 1-2 tablets. Trishun best taken with warm water or tea, add honey. In order to prevent take 41 days 1 tablet a day with warm water. The drug is recommended to take prescription and under supervision of a specialist.
Contraindications: gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. Not recommended for use in pregnant and lactating women.
Composition Trishun:each tablet contains: Sudarshan Churna (Sudarshan churna) - 600 mg: Kostsinium wort (Coscinum fenestratum), Golden tumeric (Curcuma Longa), Cedar Himalayan (Cedrus deodara), Air marsh (Acorus calamus), Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Haritaki ( Terminalia Chebula), Fagoniya Crete (Fagonia cretica), Pistachio (Pistacia chinensis), Kantakari (Solanum surattense), Ginger (Zinziber officinale), Kadu (Gentiana kurroo royle), dymyanki melkotsvetnaya (Fumaria parviflora), Him (Azadirachta indica), pippali (Piper longum), Pavonia (Pavonia odorata), spiked Gedihium (Hedychium spicatum), Pushkara (Inula racemosa), Moorwen (Marsdenia tenacissima), Holarena (Holarrhena antidysenterica), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Moringa (Moringa oleifera), Aulard (Holarrhena antidysenterica), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus),
Tribhuvan Keerti race (Tribhuvankirti rasa) - 130 mg: Asafetida (Ferula asafoetida), Ginger (Zingiber officinale), black pepper (Piper nigrum), pippali (Piper longum), Tankan bhasma (Borax), wrestler (Aconithum chasmanthum), Fillers - QS (required number).
Purpose: colds, sore throat, flu, headache, fever, runny nose and other cold symptoms.
Active ingredients:
Adzhvan (Trachyspermum ammi)
Azhgon / Chabrier (Trachyspermum ammi / carcum copticum)
Air marsh (Acorus Calamus)
Amla (Emblica officinalis)
Asafoetida (Ferula asafoetida)
Ativisha (Aconitum Heterophyllum)
Indian barberry (Berberis aristata)
Terminalia Bellirica (Terminalia belerica)
Wrestler (Aconitum palmatum)
Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)
Himalayan Cherry (Prunus cerasoides)
Gedihium spiked (Hedychium spicatum)
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
Gangetic Desmodium (Desmodium gangeticum)
Dymyanki Indian (Fumaria indica)
Dymyanki melkotsvetnaya (Fumaria perviflora)
Golden turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Kadu (Gentiana kurroo royle)
Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum)
Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara)
Cinnamomum Ceylon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Moringa (Moringa oleifera)
Moorwen (Marsdenia tenacissima)
Musts (Cyperus rotundus)
Him (Azadirachta indica)
Pavonia (Pavonia odorata)
Patola (Trichosanthes cucumerina)
Paederiya odorous (Paederia foetida)
Pippali (Piper longum)
Prishniparna (Uraria picta)
Pushkara (Inula racemosa)
Sandalwood (Chandana)
Sandal white (Santalum album)
Sarala / Roxburgh Pine (Pinus roxburghii)
Swertia (Swertia)
Sphatika Bhasma (Alum)
Tankan Bhasma (Borax)
Pistachio (Pistacia)
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
Holarena (Holarrhena antidysenterica)
Black pepper (Piper nigrum)
Citraka (Plumbago zeylanica)
Shaliparni (Desmodium gangeticum)
Shatavari (Asparagus racemuosus)
Aigle jelly (Aegle marmelos)
Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Appointment of Ayurveda:
Children's health
Trishun, help with colds, tab 240, manufacturer Zand; Trishun, 240 tabs, Zandu
- Brand: Zandu
- Product Code:Trishun tabs Zandu
- Availability:In Stock