Giloy Sattva is a monocomponent agent with the highest antibacterial, antiviral and hepatoprotective properties, due to which it is effective in many types of diseases.
Due to the high healing properties of tinospore cardiovascular or Gila, which in Ayurveda is called the nectar of immortality, this drug has a rejuvenating effect on the body, as it actively normalizes liver function, improves blood quality and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.
Acting as an immunomodulator, it strengthens the immune system and thereby strengthens its resistance to infections, as well as alleviates the condition in chronic and acute viral fever, urinary infections, headache, anemia, jaundice, bleeding, excessive thirst, arthritis and arthrosis.
It helps even with such serious illnesses as hepatitis, tuberculosis and diabetes. Slows down the processes of wear and tear of organs and premature aging of the body.
In addition, the drug is very useful for skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, leprosy, eczema, lichen planus, erysipelas, itchy rashes and others, as it is a natural blood purifier.
The tool has such a strong effect that it clears toxins even the brain, which contributes to the improvement of mental activity.
Giloy Sattva is an excellent prophylactic against stress, anxiety and depression. It strengthens memory, increases energy and appetite, cleans breast milk, improves spermatogenesis.
It is also used as an adjunct in chemotherapy for cancer.
Active ingredients:
Good bye (Tinospora cordifolia).Buzzing or Giloy, it is a medicinal plant that is used to treat various diseases. It is often called amrita, which means “divine nectar” in Sanskrit. This immunostimulant is an excellent antioxidant and is effective with the general weakness of the body. It improves immunity, stops premature aging, relieves fever and cleanses the body of toxins. It is a natural blood purifier, very useful for skin problems such as acne, psoriasis, leprosy, eczema, lichen planus, erysipelas, itchy rashes and others. Cleans toxins even the brain, which helps to improve mental activity. The remedy is used in the prevention of stress, anxiety and depression. Strengthens memory, gives youth, improves complexion, voice, skin radiance, relieves burning sensation,
Instructions for use: 250-500 mg twice a day with warm water, honey, ghee (ghee) or as directed by an Ayurvedic specialist. The drug is recommended to take the appointment and under the supervision of a specialist.
Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, pregnancy planning. Patients with diabetes are advised to use the drug with caution, as this may lead to a decrease in blood sugar levels. If you are planning an operation, you need to stop taking the drug 2 weeks before it.
Ingredients: Goody (Tinospora cordifolia) - 100%.
Purpose:immunomodulating, antipyretic gout, cancer of all types, general weakness, stress, cold, fever, various urinary tract infections, dyspepsia, diarrhea, evmatizme, constipation, tuberculosis, jaundice, typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, malaria, tuberculosis, body pain, vomiting, flatulence, anemia, anorexia, gastritis, hemorrhoids, excessive thirst, diabetes, congestive heart failure, liver diseases, disorders of the spleen, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis
Special features
Active ingredients:
Buzzing (Tinospora cordifolia)
Ayurveda appointment:
Blood purification
Gastritis / Ulcer
Nausea, vomiting
A heart
Skin diseases
Giloy Satva, from all diseases, 10 g, manufacturer Dabur; Giloya Satva, 10 g, Dabur
- Brand: Dabur
- Product Code:Giloya Satva Dabur
- Availability:In Stock