Sanjeevani Vati - is an effective natural remedy to protect the body from attacking viruses and bacteria. It is a powerful plant formula for the treatment of respiratory diseases such as influenza and common cold, as well as their symptoms: fever, cough, runny nose, rhinitis, lacrimation, and pain due to inflammation of the nasal sinuses. It helps the removal of mucus from the lungs and prevents stagnation.
Acts as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, helps to maintain the body temperature normal. It enhances immunity, eliminates the symptoms of allergy. Accelerates healing by activating the immune system, promotes the excretion of harmful substances from the body. It helps in preventing inflammation of any organ of the body.
Sanjeevani Vati just a wonderful tool in the treatment of recurrent colds and viral infections in children. Can replace the chemical drugs, especially if the tool to use at the first sign of the disease. It can be used without any restrictions and contraindications.
The drug acts as an activator of energy for your body and removes harmful chemical substances, and toxins.
Active ingredients:
Ginger (Zingiber officinale). Natural bronchodilator, has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, resolving, aphrodisiac, carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant, healing and toning action.
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). A powerful antioxidant, Rasayana, rejuvenates. Haritaki cleanses the body of toxins, restore energy field. Treats lung and digestive system, mild laxative, improves vision, memory, circulation, immunity.
Yeumbeul acid (Embelia ribes). It has antipyretic and antiseptic action, is one of the best sources of vitamin C is used in the treatment of bronchitis and the common cold symptoms. It acts as a diuretic, laxative and cleansing agent from the body toxins, and various parasites.
Amla (Emblica officinalis). Helps to normalize blood glucose levels, supports heart health. In 100g of fruit pulp of this plant contains 30 times more vitamin C than an orange. It strengthens teeth and bones, promotes hair growth, improves digestion, metabolism, increases immunity. It helps synthesize hemoglobin, cleans toxins from the liver and other internal organs. The fruit has a rejuvenating effect, and outputs neutralize heavy metals and free radicals.
Pippali (Piper longum). A powerful stimulant for the digestive and respiratory systems. It promotes appetite and relieves gas in the intestines, and is also effective in the fight against respiratory disorders such as cough, bronchitis and asthma.
Instructions for use: 1-2 tablets 2 times a day with hot water or milk. The drug is recommended to take prescription and under supervision of a specialist. Store in a cool and dry place.
Contraindications: Overdose can cause a burning sensation in the stomach and nausea.
Purpose: anti-bacterial, anti-infective and anti-microbial agent, treats all the symptoms of colds and flu, eliminates allergies, treats infections and diseases of the respiratory tract and the respiratory system, helps get rid of harmful substances, pollutants, and the bridging system of the body, helps in the burning of the accumulated metabolites, autoimmune disorders , stomach disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, and improves appetite.
Active ingredients:
Air marsh (Acorus Calamus)
Amla (Emblica officinalis)
Ativisha (Aconitum Heterophyllum)
Terminalia Bellirica (Terminalia belerica)
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Cow's urine (Sow urine)
Pippali (Piper longum)
Semekarpus cashews (Semecarpus anacardium)
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
Yeumbeul acid (Embelia Ribes)
Appointment of Ayurveda:
Children's health
Sanjeevani Vati, an antiviral agent, Table 80, the manufacturer Dabur; Sanjivani Vati, 80 tabs, Dabur