Migracot is a natural and safe alternative to headache chemicals! Softly, without side effects, this tool will eliminate headaches of various origins, as well as strengthen the nervous system.
The drug contains in its composition a unique combination of herbs that are famous for their analgesic and antioxidant properties, have a vasodilator and a cooling effect in spasms of cerebral vessels. Besides the fact that it does not have any side effects in the form of a load on the liver or addiction, it also acts as a general tonic organism. Therefore, after taking just one pill for a headache, you might be surprised to find that you felt better, and the cold that was arising was bypassed.
Also a pleasant "side effect" can be relaxation (without drowsiness), short-term improvement of vision and strengthening of the general perception. So affect the herbs that make up Migracot. Thanks to this relaxation effect of the drug, it will become your personal protection from stress and help you adapt to new situations that each new day of life offers us. In fact, a pill is just one form for this drug. And its content has little to do with the fact that most are sold in pharmacies.
Active ingredients:
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). Known rejuvenating plant. Slows graying of hair and accelerates their growth, has a positive effect on memory and vision, treats diseases of the lungs and the digestive system, acts as a mild laxative, improves immunity and normalizes digestion. Helps to get rid of parasites, helps restore normal intestinal microflora.
Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica). Rejuvenating plant with a tonic, antihelminthic, laxative effect. It helps with a number of diseases, and also puts in order a high vata-dosha. Removes stones from the digestive tract and has a positive effect on all body functions.
Triphala (Triphala). Therapeutic composition of three medicinal herbs (amalaki, haritaki, bibhitaki). It affects all types of human tissues and balances all three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha, leading to the state of optimal functioning all the systems of vital activity of the organism. Due to this effect, human well-being improves significantly. No matter what age he is, he starts to hurt less and suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, skin condition improves, pain in joints disappears, various body lesions - wounds and abrasions heal faster, activity increases and efficiency increases. As a result of a soft and gradual release of the body from ama (toxins and slags), triphala tones and rejuvenates the tissues of the body, increases the efficiency of metabolic processes.
Andrografis paniculata (Andrographis paniculata). It is used to treat intestinal infections, dysentery, dyspepsia, various disorders of the liver and the general depletion of the body. Used as a natural antibiotic. The plant is used as a bitter gastric and tonic, with dysentery, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis; in liver diseases, as antipyretic, tonic, choleretic, hepatoprotective, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic. The plant is used for flu, sore throat, ulcers in the mouth or tongue, acute or chronic cough, colitis, dysentery, urinary tract infections with difficult and painful urination, carbuncles, wounds.
Golden turmeric (Curcuma longa). Natural antibiotic. Stimulates, strengthens, relieves pain, cleanses the blood and the body as a whole. It is used in the weakened state after suffering diseases, operations. Normalizes menstruation, stops tumor processes, accelerates tissue healing. It has a warming effect, harmonizes all types of constitutions, is effective for arthritis, muscle pain, rheumatism, bruises, ulcers, dermatitis, toothache, menstrual disorders, cough, diabetes, hemorrhoids, cuts, wounds, burns, skin diseases, jaundice, relieves anxiety , stress, raises immunity.
Neem (Azadirachta indica).The tool has excellent antibacterial and anti-allergic properties due to the fact that it contains a tree, which is considered sacred in India. It can reduce fever and eliminate toxins present in the body in most inflammatory skin diseases and mucous membrane expression. It is very effective in malaria and other diseases with fever. In addition, it is used in cleansing therapy and, if desired, reduce weight. This plant is used for the rapid healing of wounds, removal of foreign and excess tissue. It has an astringent effect, is useful in exhaustion or fatigue, contributes to skin rejuvenation, getting rid of fungi, irritations and even headaches. It has the richest chemical composition and contains more than 140 components, many of which are not yet fully understood.
Instructions for use: 2 tablets 3 times a day to achieve a sustainable effect. The drug is recommended to take as prescribed and under the supervision of a specialist.
Composition Migracot: each tablet contains: Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - 0.537 g, Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellerica) - 0.537 g, Amla (Emblica officis) - 0.537 g, Andrografis paniculata (Andrographis paniculata) - 0.537 g, Gold turmeric (Curcuma longa) - 0.537 g, Nimes (Azadirachta indica) - 0.537 g, Gouduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - 0.537 g; Fillers: QS (permissible amount); Preservatives: Methyl Paraben Sodium Nitrate, Propyl Paraben Sodium Nitrate (Propyl Paraben Sodium).
Purpose: migraine, nervous overexcitement, general strengthening of the body.
Special features
Active ingredients:
Bibhitaki (Terminalia belerica)
Bhunimba / Andrografis paniculata (Andrographis paniculata).
Buzzing (Tinospora cordifolia)
Golden Turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Neem (Azadirachta indica)
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
Ayurveda appointment:
Balancing dosh
Migrakot, 100 tab, manufacturer Kottakkal Ayurveda; Migrakot, 100 tabs, Kottakkal Ayurveda
- Brand: Kottakkal
- Product Code:Migrakot 100 tabs Kottakkal
- Availability:In Stock