Spirulina Plus - a natural source of vitamins and minerals enriched extract amly, which is a storehouse of vitamin C. The combination of spirulina and amly includes a rich composition of almost all currently known scholar of vitamins, nutrients, amino acids and trace elements, as well as certain substances, which are not synthesized in the human body. All this makes this tool truly universal vitamin complex.
The preparation maintains the energy tonicity give additional resource body. This drug helps augmenting health and beauty, especially if for any reason, your food does not differ balanced or you observe a special diet. It helps control weight and, most importantly, reduces the craving for food on the basis of nervous tension and emotional disorders. It allows you to get a balanced diet without excess calories. It is perfect for people with hyperthyroidism.
Value spirulina is also to a high content of such important organism substances such as iron, calcium and protein. Their accumulation in spirulina higher than the concentration in foods such as spinach, milk and soybeans a few dozen times! It slows the aging process, can reduce the body's cholesterol levels and monitor the performance of glucose in the blood and provides the body with vitamins for children for proper growth, eliminating the risk of delay in mental and physical development.
Doctors who prescribed vitamins, know that they can not be taken continuously. In addition, it is known that over time the effectiveness of vitamins is reduced. Therefore, sometimes they do not always bring the benefit to which we look forward to, and sometimes even harmful, because it can develop hypervitaminosis. This preparation eliminates such effects as giving as much vitamins as currently required by the body. And due to their natural, not synthetic, they are constantly active and does not accumulate.
Spirulina Plus capsules make you resilient, enhance immunity, improve the quality of sexual life, regardless of gender, to rid the body of toxins, toxins and even radionuclides, improve brain function. If you have an attachment to alcohol, then Spirulina Plus help to cope with it. It improves vision, helps with anemia, skin diseases, heart failure.
The drug is remarkably suitable as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for the whole family!
Spirulina and Amla will give you courage, great mood and keep your health, youth and beauty!
Active ingredients:
Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis).A rich source of minerals and vitamins. It contains all the necessary substances for life, including 18 amino acids (8 of them - essential); beta-carotene (Vitamin A) helps to maintain the immune system and visual acuity; phycocyanin - unique substance that can stop the growth of cancer cells; Vitamin B12 (tsiankobolamin) - prevents the development of anemia (anemia); iron - promotes the production of red blood cells; vitamin PP; gamma-linolenic acid, is necessary for the prevention and treatment of arthritis; glutamic acid (stabilizes mental capacity); Vitamin E (tocopherol) - antioxidant, slowing the aging process, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Most importantly, all of these trace elements perfectly absorbed by the body. Spirulina is rich in protein, iron, phycocyanin (only element in nature,
Amla (Phyllantus emblica). Helps to normalize blood glucose levels, supports heart health. 100 g of this plant fruit pulp contains 30 times more Vitamin C than orange. Amla strengthens bones and teeth, promotes hair growth, improve digestion, metabolism, and enhances immunity. It helps synthesize hemoglobin, cleans toxins from the liver and other internal organs. The fruit has a rejuvenating effect, and outputs neutralize heavy metals and free radicals.
Instructions for use: 2 capsules a day for 10-15 minutes before eating. Children - 1 kapcula in the morning on an empty stomach.
Purpose: strengthening the immune system, detoxification of the body, an additional source of vitamins for the brain tonic, children's health, vision, control blood sugar and cholesterol in the blood, anemia, skin diseases, heart failure.
Active ingredients:
Amla (Emblica officinalis)
Spirulina (Spirulina Arthrospira platensis)
Appointment of Ayurveda:
Children's health
weight normalization
Tonic for the brain
Digestive system
A heart
skin diseases
Spirulina Plus, a source of vitamins, 60 cap, manufacturer GudKeyr; Spirulina plus, 60 caps, Goodcare (Baidyanath)