Stress Guard - a drug that is recommended for people who lead a mentally stressful lifestyle, working with a computer or other high-frequency technology, as well as students and pupils during examinations and athletes at the psycho-emotional overload during competition and training, requiring high motor coordination and concentration.
Efficacy causes its powerful herbal formula, including the "golden" medicinal plant composition for enhancing mental activity and normalization of mood. Due to this stress Guard significantly multiplies mental performance, enhances nerve cells, improves memory, accelerates thinking processes, normalizes cerebral circulation and coordinates of the central nervous system in general, it also contributes to a healthy sleep effective at frequent headaches and acute heart pains. It has a pronounced anti-aging and tonic effect on the central nervous system and improves the cerebral vessels.
Used in weakness and tissue deficiency in children, the elderly, in people weakened by chronic diseases, fatigue, suffering from nervous exhaustion and insomnia.
Stress Guard does not reduce the rate of reaction and therefore safe for vehicle drivers. The drug is completely safe and natural product without any synthetic additive and preservatives.
Active ingredients:
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). It is an excellent vegetable means for recovery of energy at high loads, as well as enhance sexual potential. It saturates the body with essential vitamins and trace elements, treats neurotic manifestations, strengthens the heart muscles. Normalizes sleep and eliminates chronic fatigue. Used as a tonic, anti-stress, immune-stimulating, anti-inflammatory agent.
Brahmi (Bakopa monnieri). Improves intelligence, improve memory, reaction speed and thought processes. The whole plant is useful for any violations of brain activity. It actively use knowledge workers and students. Elderly, speed of thinking which usually slows down, it is recommended to pass reception Brahmi course once a year. It helps with sclerosis and Parkinson's disease, calms the children, including hyperactivity, making them not inhibited. However, in adults Brahmi tidies the nervous system and helps to calm down, especially during periods of stress. And returns a sound sleep appetit.Krome that improves the metabolism, has a cooling, rejuvenating, antipyretic properties. Used in Ayurveda for the treatment of mental disorders, epilepsy.
Dzhatamansi (Nardotachys jatamansi). It is used in Ayurveda for diseases of the central nervous system, mania, psychosis, hysteria, epilepsy, mental disorders, insomnia and infectious conditions. It lowers blood pressure and effectively used when a cardiac arrhythmia is an effective means for atrial fibrillation and atrial fibrillation. A calming effect on the nervous system, but it does not cause drowsiness and lethargy. It helps to restore self-confidence and promotes better retention of information and speed of thinking.
Instructions for use: 1 capsule per day short course 7 - 10 days per month. Stress Guard activity increases significantly in the ten-year period beginning 3 days before the full moon, so to make it better in the morning after waking up and in the afternoon (12 to 14) or 30 - 45 minutes after lunch.