Triphala guggul - a unique Ayurvedic remedy used in India for the past several millennia. With this surprising in its effects on the body of the drug can achieve truly impressive results for rejuvenation of organs and tissues, reduction of excess weight, bringing into balance the three doshas and disposal of a variety of diseases. Triphala Guggul drug can be recommended for use in recovery after a chronic disease, it does not cause side effects and addiction.
As Churna Triphala, Triphala Guggul contains three main components: amlu, haritaki, Terminalia Bellirica. But in addition to these three main ingredients to enhance the efficiency of long pepper pippali added. The whole mixture was involved in the healing resin Guggul.
Triphala Guggul is a powerful natural antibiotic. It shows high efficacy in inhibiting fungal infections of various kinds. In particular it is applied in therapy of candidiasis different localization: oral cavity, the gastrointestinal tract, and the genitourinary system. Capable of causing the death of the bacteria Helicobacter pylori, which is a major cause of gastritis and ulcers, as well as inhibit pathogenic gut flora and promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria.
This drug has a strong anti-inflammatory and regenerating action of accelerating processes. It is useful in inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), and in the acute form of the disease makes it easier to state after the first days of reception. Promotes healing of bones and joints, deep tissue, prevents the formation of stagnation in the body. Treats tissue suppurative inflammation (abscess) and skin diseases such as furunculosis, carbuncle, eczema. It is used in treatment of cancer in the early stages of development.
To one of the most valuable properties include the ability of the drug recovery and normalization of the mucous membranes of the body: the eyes, mouth, lungs, gastrointestinal tract and urogenital system. This is extremely important, as they are the main obstacles in the way of ingestion of dangerous viruses, bacteria and fungi. Mucosal damage the lungs, for example, it is the cause of bronchitis and gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, colitis, erosions, ulcers and polyps. Long-term use of Triphala Guggul, at least for six months, restores damaged mucosal tissue organs and establishes their protection and carve functions improves the enzymatic activity and the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.
Perhaps the most important property is the ability Triphala Guggul deep cleansing of toxins and metabolic products of internal organs and tissues as well as blood, lymphatic and nervous system cells. Such strong cleaning properties of the drug is widely used for removal of intoxication and in the treatment of alcohol and drug dependence.
Triphala Guggul has a powerful anti-aging effects on the body due to the dangerous conclusion "the aging pigment", the largest number which accumulates in the neurons and heart muscle cells. Due to the elimination of the edematous syndrome, withdrawal of excess adipose tissue and deposits of cholesterol, normalizing lipid metabolism, the drug used for weight loss, in the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetes.
Active ingredients:
Amla (Phyllantus emblica). Helps to normalize blood glucose levels, supports heart health. 100 g of this plant fruit pulp contains 30 times more Vitamin C than orange. It strengthens teeth and bones, promotes hair growth, improves digestion, metabolism, increases immunity. It helps synthesize hemoglobin, cleans toxins from the liver and other internal organs. The fruit has a rejuvenating effect, and outputs neutralize heavy metals, free radicals.
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). The well-known anti-aging herb. Slows the graying of hair and accelerates their growth, a positive effect on memory and eyesight, cures diseases of the lungs and digestive system, acts as a mild laxative, improves immunity and normalize digestion. Helps to get rid of parasites, restore the intestinal microflora.
Terminalia Bellirica (Terminalia belerica). Rejuvenating plant with tonic, anthelmintic, laxative effect. It helps with a number of diseases and tidies high vata dosha. Displays stones from the digestive tract and have a positive effect on all bodily functions.
Guggul (Commiphora mucul). Guggul resin obtained from the balsam tree and is widely used for the creation of Ayurvedic medicines. The composition of this preparation (Triphala guggul) resin combines and enhances the quality of all components. By itself, the resin has a strong cleaning properties, normalizes the kidney function outputs stones and sand from the kidneys, toxins, has a very strong absorption effect.
Pippali (Piper longum). This type of pepper is practically unknown in our latitudes, but intensively used in medicine of the East, used in fitoretsepturah as "plant-conductor" for the treatment of diseases of the stomach. Pippali possesses strong antibacterial activity, stimulates the gastro-intestinal tract, improves appetite, secretion of gastric and pancreatic cancer. Due to the content silvatina, sitosteroidov metilpiperina plant and eliminates the stagnation of bile and nausea.
Instructions for use:
Adults and children from 12 years: 1-2 tablets 15 minutes before meals, three times a day.
Children from 4 to 7 years old: 1/2 tablet 2 times a day.
Children from 8 to 11 years old: 1/2 tablet 3 times a day.
Preventive course of a month, 2-3, in certain diseases Ayurvedic doctor may prescribe a course of up to 6 months. Use this medication under the supervision of Ayurvedic specialist.
Contraindications: do not take the medication for diarrhea and dysentery. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age and people over 70 years.
Composition Triphala Guggul: Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - 28.125 mg, Terminalia Bellirica (Terminalia belerica) - 28.125 mg, Amla (Emblica officinalis) - 28.125 mg pippali (Piper longum) - 28.125 mg, Guggul (Commiphora Mucul) - 140.625 mg.
Excipients: QS (required amount).
Purpose: cleanses the liver, small intestine, kidneys, lungs, blood and skin; activates the immune system; It has a pronounced anti-aging effect; improves the functioning of the digestive system, stimulates peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract; acts as a potent cleanser detoxifies cellular level; fighting fungal infections and parasites; high cholesterol; wound healing; balancing all doshas, diabetes, improving metabolism, blood cleansing, normalization of weight, vision, constipation, child health, ulcer, gastritis, normalization of digestion.
Triphala Guggul, Table 80, the manufacturer Baidyanath; Triphala Guggulu, 80 tabs, Baidyanath
- Brand: Baidyanath
- Product Code:Triphala Guggul Baidyanath
- Availability:In Stock