Arsha Hita - ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids, which has a completely natural composition, which includes sesame oil, honey, camphor and white damar.
This tool is effective for the treatment of bleeding hemorrhoids with the formation of cracks, fistulas and accompanied by itching and pain during defecation. The ointment has a bactericidal and antiseptic effect due to the high concentration of such substances as phenols and flavonoids contained in its active ingredients. It contributes to pain relief and reduces the intensity of inflammation, as well as accelerates the healing of ulcers.
In addition, the ointment helps even out skin pigmentation and increases the tone of the capillary walls, preventing bleeding.
For the most pronounced effect, we recommend using the product in conjunction with Arsh Heath tablets .
Active ingredients:
Sesame oil (Sesamum indicum). Rich in nutrients and organic compounds, this plant product normally supports most of the processes occurring in all layers of the skin (cell synthesis, blood circulation, oxygen metabolism, etc.). It has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, wound-healing effect.
White Damar (Vateria indica). A rich source of phenols and flavonoids that work as powerful antioxidants. Reduces pigmentation and blemishes of other origin, promotes skin leveling and healing.
Brownberry camphor (Cinnamomum camphora). Camphor has long been famous for its healing properties. It is primarily an effective stimulant, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, antiseptic, vasoconstrictor, analgesic and anti-spasmodic. It is also used as an antiseptic to relieve local irritations. Relieves mucosal edema. It helps against blood clots, improves blood circulation, helps with infectious diseases and poisoning, rheumatism, pain, tissue damage, respiratory diseases, cramps.
Honey (Honey). It has a pronounced bactericidal effect. With regular use of products containing honey, cell division is accelerated, moisture is preserved, inflammatory and fungal processes disappear, cellular respiration is activated. In addition, honey has the ability to multiply the effect of therapeutic effects of the components shared with it, as it penetrates deep into the structure of tissues, delivering all the necessary nutrients to the cells and helps other components to do the same. Soothes the skin and relieves pain.
Instructions for use: use within 3-4 months, rubbing into the affected areas several times a day.
Composition of Arsh Heath: Sesame oil (Sesamum indicum), White Damar (Vateria indica), Camphorn (Cinnamomum camphora), Honey (Honey).
Purpose: hemorrhoids, itching and bleeding.
Special features
Active ingredients:
White Damar (Vateria indica)
Camphor (Camphor)
Karpura / Borneo camphor (Dryobalanops aromaticum)
Brownberry camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
Sesame (Sesamum indicum)
Ayurveda appointment:
Skin diseases
Ointment for treatment of hemorrhoids Arsh Heath, 30 g, manufacturer Dhutapeshvar; Arsha Hita Ointment, 30 gm, Dhootapapeshwar
- Brand: Dhootapapeshwar
- Product Code:Arsha Hita Ointment 30 gm Dhootapapeshwar
- Availability:In Stock