• Varanadi Kvatham, 100 tab, Kottakkal Ayurveda; Varanadi Kwatham, 100 tabs, Kottakkal Ayurveda

Varanadi Kvatham is an Ayurvedic remedy for balancing kapha-dosha, normalizing metabolism, reducing weight, improving digestion It can also be used as a treatment for the skin, urinary system and gastrointestinal tract. The effect of the drug enhances reception with Shiladzhyt, Guggul or Medohar Guggul.

This drug is often prescribed for overweight, chronic headaches, as well as for all the numerous diseases associated with Kapha-dosha imbalance, which can be expressed in diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system, some skin diseases, sore throat, problems with lymph nodes, helminthiasis, sugar diabetes, impaired intestinal motility, feverish conditions, disorders of the cardiovascular system, increased bone fragility, joint disease, a feeling of heaviness in the head, drowsiness, hoarseness, headlights Ngiti, chronic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and many others.

The drug is also indicated for obesity and its attendant manifestations, depression, gastrointestinal ulcer, abscesses and long unhealed wounds, in the presence of tumor processes in the body (benign or malignant), dysfunction of the thyroid gland, adenoids, goiter, atherosclerosis, gynecological disorders (polio), ovaries), with benign prostatic hyperplasia, edema, and as a diuretic.

Active ingredients:

Varun (Crataeva nurvala). Used as an antipyretic, expectorant. It has a carminative and diuretic effect, calms, acts as a mild laxative.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). One of the most famous herbs for treating the female reproductive system. It has a good effect on lactation, rejuvenates, normalizes hormone levels and the menstrual cycle, relieves spasms, tidies up the digestive tract, helps to get pregnant.

Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica). Well enhances digestion, returns appetite, relieves swelling, helps get rid of parasites, relieves skin diseases, improves the condition during paralysis, reduces bloating, has a positive effect on mental disorders.

Shigru (Moringa oleifera). It has an anti-arthritis, antispasmodic, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, diuretic, sedative and antiviral effect. It is mainly used for diseases of the joints, accompanied by pain and swelling. It has pronounced antibacterial and antiviral properties. Rich in chlorophyll, is a natural multivitamin.

Instructions for use: 1 tab. 2 times a day. No side effects were observed, should be taken as prescribed and under the supervision of an Ayurvedic specialist.

Composition of Varanadi Kvatham: each tablet contains: Varun (Crataeva nurvala) - 0.654 g, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) - 0.654 g, Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica) - 0.654 g, Strobilanthes ciliatus - 0.654 g, Chamorpha aroma, aroma, aroma, aroma, aroma, aroma, aroma - 0.654 g, Egle marmelos (Aegle marmelos) - 0.654 g, Kirkazon (Aristolochia bracteolate) - 0.654 g, Brihati (Solanum melongena) - 0.654 g, Bhadra (Aerua lanata) - 0.654 g, Karanja (Pongamia glabra) - 0.654 g, Indian elm (Holoptelia integrifolia) - 0.654 g, Agnimantha (Premna corymbosa) - 0.654 g, Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - 0.654 g, Moringa (Moringa oleifera) - 0.654 g, Jackpot (Desmostachya bipinnata) - 0.654 g, Semikarpus cashews (Semecarpus anacardium) - 0.654 g.

Purpose: obesity, liver disease, tumors, sinusitis, dyspepsia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic headache, asthma, eczema, pruritus, an enlarged prostate gland, diseases of the pelvic organs in women, swelling, problems with urination, weight loss, normalization of weight, detox, metabolism, headache, urinary system, prostatitis, digestive system, kidneys, thyroid, oncology.

Special features

Active ingredients: 

Agnimant (Premna integrifolia)

Brihati (Solanum indicum)

Bhadra (Aerva lanata)

Varun (Crataeva nurvala)

Karanja (Pongamia pinnata)

Moringa (Moringa oleifera)

Semekarpus cashews (Semecarpus anacardium)

Kusha Grass (Desmostachya bipinnata)

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)

Chitrak (Plumbago zeylanica)

Shatavari (Asparagus racemuosus)

Egle Marmalade (Aegle marmelos)

Ayurveda appointment: 

For women's health

Kapha imbalance

Weight loss

Weight normalization




Genitourinary system

Digestive system




Arthritis / Joints



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Varanadi Kvatham, 100 tab, Kottakkal Ayurveda; Varanadi Kwatham, 100 tabs, Kottakkal Ayurveda

  • Brand: Kottakkal
  • Product Code:Varanadi Kwatham Kottakkal
  • Availability:In Stock
  • 532.19INR