• Ointment for psoriasis Imupsora, 50 g, manufacturer Charak; Imupsora Ointment, 50 g, Charak

Ointment for psoriasis Imupsora - a natural and effective treatment for psoriasis. The spectrum of the drug is to adhere to the principles of Ayurveda in the treatment of this ailment, which also include a modern look.

Despite the fact that psoriasis is a fairly common disease, more than 2/3 of patients are still disappointed with the results of treatment with traditional methods. Unlike the proposed official medicine remedies, the mechanism of action of Imupsor is aimed at key pathogenetic mechanisms of psoriasis development.

It relieves local irritation, reduces redness and peeling of the skin. Provides a significant reduction in the symptoms of psoriasis. Effective for use on large areas of the skin, for example, with psoriasis of the scalp. The components of the ointment have an antimicrobial effect against pathogenic bacteria, yeast and fungi that cause psoriasis.

In order to maintain a stable effect from the use of Imupsor ointment, as well as for more rapid exposure, we recommend using it in combination with Imupsor oral preparation .

Active ingredients:

Yashad Bhasma (Zinc oxide). Specially treated zinc powder. It is an astringent and coolant used in the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases. Dries and heals wounds, effective for the treatment of long-healing wounds.

Gandaka (Sulphurium). Specially processed sulfur powder. It is used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of skin diseases, itching, chronic fever, diseases of the genitourinary system. Rejuvenates, improves skin color and elasticity.

Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia). One of the most effective means of improving metabolism and purifying the blood. Its action is soft and stable. The active components of this plant safely remove toxins from the circulatory system, stop bleeding, including internal ones, eliminate blood stasis, improve the capacity of capillaries, dissolve blood clots. Eliminates all types of tumors, contributes to an increase in blood flow, healing of tissues damaged from the effects of infections or due to physical injuries. Its healing properties are so good that they are used when splitting broken bones. Effective in any disease, the cause of which is contaminated blood.

Aloe (Aloe barbadensis). Cleans the skin, restores it, helps with skin diseases. With regular use, aloe intensively moisturizes the skin, normalizing the water balance in the tissues, which is an effective prevention of dehydration and dryness. Thanks to fibroblasts, aloe activates the production of its own collagen and elastin fibers, against the background of which its use has a tightening and smoothing effect, rejuvenating the skin and preventing its early wilting. The use of aloe also improves the complexion, protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, prevent the formation of pigment spots. It has antibacterial effect, improves blood circulation, treats skin diseases, itching.

Neem (Azadirachta indica). Oil Nima can even remove lice and parasites. It will help with cuts, wounds, insect bites, heal inflammation and sores on the skin, protect against dandruff, viruses, inflammations and fungal skin diseases due to its strong antimicrobial effect. In addition, the oil whitens and rejuvenates the skin, and also nourishes it. After all, it contains many useful trace elements! Helps against urticaria, depriving, of psoriasis.

Instructions for use: apply to damaged areas twice a day. The drug is recommended to take the appointment and under the supervision of a specialist.

The composition of the ointment for psoriasis Imupsor: every 5 g of the drug contains: Gandak (Sulfurium) - 25 mg, Yashad Bhasma (Zinc oxide) - 25 mg, Caranja (Pongamia glabra) - 10 mg, Neem (oil) (Azadirachta indica) - 10 mg , Aloe gel (Aloe barbadensis) - 35 mg, Neem (Azadirachta indica) - 500 mg, Golden turmeric (Curcuma longa) - 210 mg, Manzhishtha (Rubia cordifolia) - 250 mg, Acacia catechu - 250 mg, Yashtimadho (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - 175 mg, Base - QS (the required amount); Preservatives: Sodium methylparaben (Sodium methylparaben), Sodium propylparaben (Sodium propylparaben), Butyl hydroxytoluene (Butylated hydrozytoluene).

Purpose: psoriasis, palmar and psoriasis, psoriasis of the scalp.

Special features

Active ingredients: 

Acacia catechu (Acacia catechu)

Aloe (Aloe barbadensis)

Gandaka (Sulphurium)

Golden turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Karanja (Pongamia pinnata)

Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia)

Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Yashad Bhasma (Zinc oxide)

Yashtimadhoo (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Ayurveda appointment: 

Skin diseases


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Ointment for psoriasis Imupsora, 50 g, manufacturer Charak; Imupsora Ointment, 50 g, Charak

  • Brand: Charak
  • Product Code: Imupsora Ointment 50g Charak
  • Availability:In Stock
  • 182.30INR