G-32 - a natural remedy in the form of tabletkok healthy gums and teeth.
Of the teeth and gums in Ayurveda is given an extremely important role, as it is oral health is an integral part of the health of the organism as a whole. Strong teeth and healthy gums allow chew. Conversely, problems with teeth and gums limit that and how we can have, and basically do not add comfort to life. Visits to the dentist is not always effective, and often costly, but necessary. Yet we ourselves can do much to take care of oral health.
G-32 - one of the drugs that can effectively strengthen your teeth and improve the condition of the gums. It helps to cope with periodontitis, periodontosis, strengthens the tooth enamel, heals cracks and small wounds on mucous oral surface reduces inflammation, helps eliminate halitosis. For people with sensitive teeth G-32 will merely been a relief, as a means of reducing significantly reduces the sensitivity of tooth enamel. Also, teeth and gums may suffer from wearing dentures. In this case, the drug will help protect your teeth and gums, if used before and after wearing the prosthesis.
In general, the use of this means of oral hygiene efficacy increases significantly. Within a week you will feel the results and notice a significant improvement in their gums and teeth. Even if today the teeth problems seem insignificant to you, remember that your teeth are given to us for a lifetime, and should strive to keep them healthy as long as possible!
The drug is not a vegetarian, because it contains in its composition cuttlefish bone pharmacy (Sepia officinalis).
Active ingredients:
Bakool (Mimusops elengi). It is used as an astringent, anthelmintic, tonic and antipyretic. The main use - in dentistry to treat bleeding gums, tooth decay.
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum). Cumin improves digestion, appetite, has a diuretic effect, removes waste from the body, used in gynecology and neurology. Is antiseptic, helps dissolve tumors, various skin swelling, relieves pain. With high efficiency is used for inflammation and sores in the mouth, when bleeding gums.
Asian bird cherry (Padus asiatica). Plant, all the parts of which, including the leaves, buds and fruit and bark have varying degrees of healing properties. For example the leaves, especially if they grind secrete special substances called volatile production. This volatile aromatic compounds which have the property of suppressing the vital activity of bacteria and other pathogens. The aroma of its inflorescences and expressed some sugary, but thanks to him, she cleans the air and all the tissue with which contacts.
Acacia catechu (Acacia catechu). It contains essential oils, flavonoids and sugars, glucosides, organic acids and tannins. Is both the main and auxiliary raw materials for drugs for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. It has antiinflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum). carnationeffectively neutralizes halitosis. This spice - the perfect remedy for tooth decay and other dental diseases. These properties are widely used in creating Ayurvedic natural pastes for the care of teeth and oral cavity. Effective antiseptic, antispasmodic, an antiviral, antimicrobial agent. Clove helps with toothache. Warms and disinfects. It is an aphrodisiac.
Black pepper (Piper nigrum). It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and also improves blood circulation and immune system. Relieves pain.
Barleria kapkanovidnaya (Barleria prionitis). It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, protects the gums from microbes, preventing halitosis.
Oak bark (Querous Infectoria). A universal agent for treating diseases of the oral mucosa. Hemostatic and astringent properties, strengthens the gums.
Mandzhishta (Rubia cordifolia). Astringent, anti krovoochischayuschim, wound-healing effect. It is used for gum erosion.
Samudrafen (Cuttlefish bone). It is obtained from a porous and solid shell cuttlefish resembling pumice. It has therapeutic properties, are used for stopping bleeding, healing wounds and disinfection. Furthermore, it is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus needed to fill their deficits and strengthening the tooth enamel.
Instructions for use: tablet crushed into powder and rub it in the teeth and gums several times a day. Within a week you will feel the results and notice the improvement in the gums and teeth.
Stored in a dry and ventilated place.
The composition of the G-32:Bakool (Mimusops Elengi) - 80 mg, Prunus Asian (Padus asiatica) - 75 mg, Acacia catechu (Acacia catechu) - 40 mg, Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) - 20 mg, Betheln nuts (Areca catechu) - 20 mg, flax (Linum ussitatissimum) - 20 mg, oak bark (Querous Infectoria) - 20 mg Black cardamom (Amomum subulatum) - 10 mg, red ocher (Red ochre) - 10 mg, Cumin (Cuminum cyminum) - 10 mg, Mandzhishta (Rubia cordifolia) - 10 mg, Saxifraga tongue (Saxifraga ligulata) - 10 mg, Vidanga (Embelia ribes) - 10 mg, pippali (Piper longum) - 10 mg, Samudrafen (cuttlefish bone) - 10 mg, barleria kapkanovidnaya (barleria prionitis), Cinnamomum Ceylon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) - 5 mg, black pepper (Piper nigrum) - 5 mg, Indian Oroksilum (Austonemam indicum) - 5 mg, Rashnu (Alpinia galanga) - 5 mg, fruits pippali (Piper longum) - 5 mg
Excipients: QS (required amount).
Purpose: gum disease and tooth decay, bad breath, sensitive teeth enamel, dental infections and inflammation in the oral cavity.
Active ingredients:
Acacia catechu (Acacia catechu)
Bakool / Indian mushmulla (Mimusops Elengi)
Barleria kapkanovidnaya (Barleria prionitis)
Betheln nuts (Areca catechu)
Vidanga (Embelia ribes)
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum)
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
Tongue saxifrage (Saxifraga ligulata)
Oak bark (Querous Infectoria)
Cinnamomum camphor (Cinnamomum camphora)
Cinnamomum Ceylon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Red ocher (Red ochre)
Flax (Linum ussitatissimum)
Mandzhishtha (Rubia cordifolia)
Pippali (Piper longum)
Rashnu (Alpinia galanga)
Samudrafen (Cuttlefish bone)
Asian bird cherry (Padus asiatica)
Black cardamom (Amomum subulatum)
Black pepper (Piper nigrum)
Appointment of Ayurveda:
Teeth and gums
G-32 for the health of the gums and teeth, Table 50, the manufacturer Alarsin; G-32, 50 tabs, Alarsin
- Brand: Other
- Product Code:G-32 tabs Alarsin
- Availability:In Stock