Purim - integrated means for controlling the various skin diseases: acne, cold sores, dermatitis, furunculosis, eczema, etc. The preparation contains a unique Ayurvedic formula for deep cleaning of the body and to eliminate the root cause skin ailments.. Among these reasons is most often contaminated with toxins blood with the cleansing of the liver which can not cope.
All the ingredients that make up the drug known for its powerful antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, regenerative and anti-allergic properties.
As a result of combined effects of the drug clears blood, improves liver and the digestive system as a whole, by removing the toxic products of metabolism of the organism, and this provides relief of symptoms in skin allergies and dermatitis. It is also damaging to the worms.
Thus, using Purim you get several therapeutic effects: deep cleansing the body of toxins, improve the functioning of vital systems internally, and externally - pure and radiant healthy skin!
Active ingredients:
Cassia fistula (Cassia fistula). Pulp bean comprises: antraglikozidy - sennosides A and B, rhein, barbaloin, aloin, formic and oxalic acids. The fruits are used as a laxative, as well as liver, gout, rheumatism, dysentery, diabetes.
Psoralea leschinolistnaya (Psoralea corylifolia). This natural tonic and aphrodisiac that has astringent, antiseptic, diuretic, anthelminthic properties. Effective tool in leykodermii (vitiligo), leprosy, as well as hair loss, it is a tonic for the whole body, which strengthens vitality. Used as a sedative, as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent, as a tonic for the heart, as a diuretic, treats disorders during urination, kidney stones, used for low back pain, lumbago, tuberculosis, leukemia. It is an effective remedy for hair loss.
Him (Azadirachta indica). It - one of the most popular means to purify the blood and cleanse the body as a whole, deducing from it of toxins. Through purification Nîmes improved body condition and various organs, skin is cleansed reduced morbidity. It is a very potent anthelmintic, helping in a short time to get rid of parasites. It is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic. It has a rejuvenating effect, improves immunity, enhances the protective functions of the organism. Positively affects the reduction of benign and malignant tumors.
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia). It improves immune status, stop premature aging, reduces heat and cleanses the body of toxins. Helps with pain in the legs, bleeding, both internal and external, improves the immune system.
Golden turmeric (Curcuma longa). Has a warming effect and harmonizes all types of constitution is effective for arthritis, muscle pain, rheumatism, bruises, sores, dermatitis, toothache, menstrual irregularities, cough, diabetes, hemorrhoids, cuts, wounds, burns, skin diseases, jaundice, relieves anxiety , stress, raises immunity.
Amla (Phyllantus emblica). Helps to normalize blood glucose levels, supports heart health. 100 g of this plant fruit pulp contains 30 times more Vitamin C than orange. It strengthens teeth and bones, promotes hair growth, improves digestion, metabolism, increases immunity. It helps synthesize hemoglobin, cleans toxins from the liver and other internal organs. The fruit has a rejuvenating effect, and outputs neutralize heavy metals and free radicals.
Instructions for use: 1-2 tablets 2 times a day. The drug is recommended to take prescription and under supervision of a specialist.
Composition Purim: each tablet contains extracts: Neem (Azadirachta indica) - 32 mg, guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - 32 mg, Varun (Crataeva nurvala) - 32 mg, Triphala (Triphala) - 31 mg, Yeumbeul acid (Embelia ribes) - 31 mg, Bringaradzh (Eclipta alba) - 31 mg Andrographis paniculata (Andrographis paniculata) - 31 mg; Powders: Gold tumeric (Curcuma longa) - 36 mg, Cassia fistula (Cassia fistula) - 36 mg, psoralea leschinolistnaya (Psoralea corylifolia) - 36 mg, Pushkara (Inula Rasemosa) - 36 mg, Kutakov (Picrorhiza kurroa) - 36 mg; Pigments: Red iron oxide (Red oxide iron) - (CI 74991), yellow iron oxide (Yellow oxide iron) - (CI 74992), titanium dioxide (Titanium dioxide) - (CI 77891).
Purpose: acute and chronic dermatitis, hyperpigmentation and chronic dermatitis, helminth disease, acne vulgaris and acne rosacea (rosacea), herpes.
Active ingredients:
Amla (Emblica officinalis)
Terminalia Bellirica (Terminalia belerica)
Bringaradzh (Eclipt Alba)
Bhunimba / Andrographis paniculata (Andrographis paniculata).
Vidanga (Embelia ribes)
Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia)
Golden turmeric (Curcuma longa)
Cassia fistula (Cassia fistula)
Turmeric (Curcuma)
Kutakov (Picrorhiza kurroa)
Him (Azadirachta indica)
Psoralea leschinolistnaya (Psoralea corylifolia)
Pushkara (Inula racemosa)
Triphala (Triphala)
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)
Yeumbeul acid (Embelia Ribes)
Appointment of Ayurveda:
skin diseases
Purim, for healthy skin, Table 60, the manufacturer Himalaya; Purim, 60 tabs, Himalaya
- Brand: Himalaya
- Product Code:Purim tabs Himalaya
- Availability:In Stock