Ayurvedic Cream Kailash Jeevan - is a multifunctional product developed on the basis of medicinal Indian herbs and oils. It has a completely natural composition, so in addition to the external application in some instances allowed, and oral intake.
This is a truly unique product Ayurveda, which is able to cope with a huge number of ailments, whose spectrum is very wide: inflammation of the skin (pruritus, acne, boils, ringworm, warts, calluses, frostbite, heat rash, dermatitis, abrasions, cuts, insect bites, burns), muscle and tooth pain, sunstroke, fatigue and insomnia, eye inflammation, otitis media, nasal congestion, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids. When applied to the throat, tongue or gums tool will help cure diarrhea, sore throat, inflammation of the gums, dental pain, etc. When applied to the eyelids ointment relieves irritation, redness and fatigue to the eyes.
The therapeutic effect of the cream is achieved thanks to its strong antiseptic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties and it acts more in the role of an immunomodulator. Balm copes well with bruises, inflammation of the gums, as has analgesic and regenerative effects. He copes with the fungal disease on their feet. Ayurvedic Cream Kailash Jeevan - this is truly an irreplaceable thing in travel, which will replace a range of drugs in the medicine cabinet.
Active ingredients:
Sandalwood (Santalum album). Skin contact manifests itself as a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. Effectively smooths fine wrinkles, neutralize dark circles under the eyes and refreshes the skin. Eliminates fungal infections and eczema, nourishes and softens dry skin. It helps cleanse oily skin of blackheads and pimples. Has a subtle and delicate aroma, perfectly moisturizes and nourishes sensitive skin, eliminates irritation, smoothes the skin and makes it supple.
Palchatnik (Cyndon dactylon). Astringent, laxative, disinfecting and wound healing effect; used to treat wounds and cuts, effectively stops the bleeding.
Him (Azardirachta indica). The plant, which is widely known both in India and abroad. It helps with hemorrhoids, skin diseases, diabetes, dental pain, dandruff, obesity, bleeding, vomiting and nausea, wounds and ulcers, toxins in the blood. Strong antiseptic and anthelmintic, rejuvenation, reduces kapha dosha, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels, helps with diseases of the joints, accelerates wound healing, eliminating the parasites.
Camphor (Camphor). Analeptic agent, stimulates blood circulation and the nervous system, fights infections, relieves spasms and pain. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and cooling properties. The essential oil of camphor has a refreshing flavor and an effective sedative, so it is used for depression, irritability, sleep violation, the treatment of neurosis.
Coconut oil (Cocos nucifera). It is known as one of the best moisturizers. Rich in vitamin E, it nourishes and regenerates the skin, supporting the lipid balance, strengthens and nourishes the skin cells. Promotes youthful and healthy skin, neutralizes harmful environmental impact. Coconut oil protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, has protection SPF 8.
Shorea (Shorea robusta). Rich in polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids. Her oil effectively nourishes, moisturizes, softens and protects the skin from irritation.
Instructions for use:
Burns: Apply the ointment on the affected area, it relieves pain, promotes rapid healing.
Otitis: Lay the fleece with an agent in the ear.
Cough: compresses with ointment on the chest and back make it easier to remove and cough.
Sleep and mental strain: Rub ointment massaged in the crown of the head, neck and belly button, it guarantees you a good night's sleep. Balsam is an effective tonic for those suffering from mental strain. Effectively relieves headaches and fatigue.
Hemorrhoids: Apply externally or internally on the affected area for three weeks.
If ingestion: Balm relieves burning sensation in the stomach, cure ulcers, dysentery, fever. It has good expectorant, stop the diarrhea and vomiting.
Instructions for use: for adults one teaspoon (6-8 grams), for children aged from 4 to 12 years half a teaspoon. It is recommended to take before bedtime in an equal amount of sugar.
Contraindications: idiosyncrasy.
The cream Kailash Dzhivan: every 10 g of cream contain: Coconut oil (Cocos nucifera) - 2.8 g, Shoreya'a (oil) (Shorea robusta) - 370 mg, sandal (essential oil) (Santalum album) - 10 mg, Camphor (Camphor) - 14.5 mg Talc (Talcum) - 90 mg, Neem (Azadirachta indica) - 90 mg, Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris) - 90 mg, Palchatnik (Cyndon dactylon) - 90 mg, Tsizampelos Pereira (Cissampelos pareira) - 90 mg hydroxide calcium (calcium hydroxide) - QS (required number).
Purpose: inflammation of the skin (acne, acne, abrasions, cuts, insect bites, burns), muscle and tooth pain, fatigue, insomnia, eye inflammation, diarrhea, hemorrhoids.
Warning, warning!
Ointment is an unstable suspension and transportation of airmail, differential pressure, vibrations and temperature differences, especially in the cold season, it is possible stratification and separation of the oil composition. To restore the contents of the tube is sufficient to squeeze in an empty plastic jar and mix the ointment. The unique properties of the composition are maintained. So please be careful when ordering from distant regions and take into account these factors.
Active ingredients:
Gokshura (Tribulus terrestris)Camphor (Camphor)Coconut oil (Cocos nucifera)Him (Azadirachta indica)Palchatnik (Cyndon Dactylon)Sandalwood (Chandana)Sandal white (Santalum album)Shorea (Shorea robusta)Appointment of Ayurveda: Children's healthpostoperative recoveryMetabolismHeadacheColdHerpesDigestive systemDiarrheaNausea, vomitingHemorrhoidsArthritis / jointsSkin diseaseear disease