Churna Bringaradzh - a drug That Belongs to a number of of anti-aging remedies That Maintain help of vigor and the sharpness of feelings. Bringaradzh helps to cope with various symptoms, strengthening the body.
Churna is able to strengthen the body, saturating it with vitamins and useful microelements. Due to its effect, hair retains its natural color longer, as well as strengthens nails and bones, improves vision.
Traditionally, Bringaradzh is used as a remedy for hair loss and gray hair, it stimulates hair growth as effectively as minoxidil, which is popular for baldness.
In addition, this drug helps to restore the nervous system and even helps in the treatment of mental illness, facilitates sleep, solving the problem of insomnia.
Another common use of Bringaraj in Ayurveda is its use as a tonic for the liver, as it exhibits a hepatoprotective effect and is effective in diseases such as cirrhosis and infectious hepatitis. These scientists also say that the plant has an antidiabetic and antiviral effect.
Active ingredients:
Bringaraj (Eclipta alba). Bringaraj cpravlyaetsya anemia, skin diseases, liver and spleen, bleeding, dysentery, hepatitis and cirrhosis. It helps to improve your health. Relieves skin diseases, fungal foot, eczema and dermatitis. In application of this inward rejuvenating tonic for liver and spleen.
It is also used to prepare antidotes for snakebites and treats many chronic diseases. It improves metabolism, normalizes the work of internal organs, strengthens the nervous system, acts as a hemostatic, antifebrile, laxative, healing agent. Strengthens hair, nails, teeth, bones , improves hearing and memory, relieves emotional tension.
For use Instructions: for ½ tsp of. 2 times a day, wash down with warm water. The drug is recommended to take as prescribed and under the supervision of a specialist.
External application: mix powder with warm water , apply on roots, having previously washed the head. Leave for 1 hour and rinse with warm water. Carefully, paints! For skin diseases: make a paste, mix the powder with water and apply on the damaged areas for 15 minutes.
Contraindications: can not be taken during a severe cold.
Composition Bringaradzh Churny: Bringaradzh (Eclipta alba) - 100%.
Purpose: preservation and restoration of hair color, strengthening nails and bones, teeth, improving vision, restoring internal organs, anemia, skin diseases, enlargement of the liver and spleen.
Special features
Active ingredients:
Bringaradzh (Eclipt Alba)
Ayurveda appointment:
Skin diseases
Teeth and gums
Hair loss
Application cosmetics:
Hair masks
Hair loss
Hair fragility
Bringaradzh Churna, rejuvenation, hair care, 500 g, manufacturer Nidko; Bhringraj Churna, 500 g, Nidco
- Brand: Nidco
- Product Code:Bhringraj Churna 500 g Nidco
- Availability:Out Of Stock