Psorakot - an effective tool to combat psoriasis. It is also effective in other skin diseases. It has a complex effect on both the superficial symptoms of an illness and its deeper causes.
Those who have suffered from psoriasis in their lives know how unpleasant and annoying the disease is. Not every drug reduces its symptoms, much less eliminates them completely. In addition, over time, the body gets used to a particular tool, and the strength of its impact decreases. With proper use of this does not occur with the drug Psorakot. It acts on almost everyone, is absolutely safe, and its effect is long lasting. What is the secret of such efficiency?
Psoracot contains healing herbs that have a specific effect on this disease. The development of psoriasis is often provoked toxins accumulated in the body. The action of the drug is just the same aimed at their removal and at the same time it contributes to the healing of the skin, reducing the intensity of pathological processes on its surface. Relief comes almost immediately, but if you take a full course of the drug, the effect of the treatment will be either very long or permanent.
Active ingredients:
Hooded (Tinospora cordifolia). It improves immunity, stops premature aging, relieves fever and cleanses the body of toxins. Helps with pain in the legs, bleeding, and both internal and external, improves immunity.
White sandalwood (Santalum album). Sandalwood is a coolant that cools and relieves burning.
Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa). A plant that helps with fever, normalizes metabolism, eliminates parasites, improves the condition in asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, obesity, eye inflammation, removes slags and toxins.
Zira (Cuminum cyminum). Kumin improves digestion, stimulates appetite, has a diuretic effect, removes toxins from the body, is used in gynecology and neurology. It is an antiseptic, helps dissolve tumors, various skin swellings, reduces pain. Good for cleaning the airways. Helps fight nausea, incl. in the first months of pregnancy. It is recommended to use Zira in case of diseases of the digestive organs, in order to clear the respiratory tract in case of bronchitis and when coughing with the release of mucus, as well as to calm the nervous system. It is used with great efficiency in inflammations and ulcers in the mouth, with bleeding gums.
Instructions for use: 2 tablets 3 times a day. To achieve the best effect, use with Psorakot gel. The drug is recommended to take on purpose and under the supervision of a specialist.
Ingredients Psoracot: each tablet contains: Patola (Trichosanthes lobata) - 0.890 g, Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa) - 0.667 g, Chonemorph fragrant (Chonemorpha fragrans) - 0.667 g, Gouduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - 0.667 g, Pathha (Cyclea peltata) - 0.667 g, Zira (Cuminum cyminum) - 0.333 g, White sandalwood (Santalum album) - 0.111 g; Fillers: QS (permissible amount); Preservatives: Methylparaben nitrate (Sodium Methylparaben), Propylparaben nitrate (Sodium Propylparaben); Dyes: Approved (Approved colors used).
Purpose: psoriasis, scabies, other skin diseases, cleansing the body of toxins.
Special features
Active ingredients:
Buzzing (Tinospora cordifolia)
Zira (Cuminum cyminum)
Kutaki (Picrorhiza kurroa)
Patola (Trichosanthes cucumerina)
White sandalwood (Santalum album)
Ayurveda appointment:
Skin diseases
Psorakot, for skin diseases, 100 tab, Kottakkal Ayurveda manufacturer; Psorakot, 100 tabs, Kottakkal Ayurveda
- Brand: Kottakkal
- Product Code:Psorakot 100 tabs Kottakkal
- Availability:In Stock