• Reston, women's health elixir, 100 tabs, manufacturer Maharishi Ayurveda; Restone, 100 tabs, Maharishi Ayurveda

Reston is a natural medicinal product for women that helps to maintain health and beauty, as well as restore them.

Every woman wants to be not only healthy and beautiful, but also happy. It is noteworthy that this tool, in addition to putting the physiological state in order, also improves the emotional sphere. But, as it is already known, many diseases, and simply a poor appearance, often result from worries and anxieties.

Reston puts in order the hormones, treats gynecological diseases, infertility, painful and irregular menstruation, as well as their absence. Stops pathological bleeding, restores the tissue of the uterus, stimulates the ovaries, prevents the occurrence and development of tumors in the reproductive system. It cleans the blood, so that a powerful anti-aging effect for all internal organs occurs.

The drug stimulates the immune system - you will become less sick. Digestion will also improve, the condition of the skin, nails and hair will improve. If you are experiencing stress, Reston will help calm down. And you will feel this effect even in the case when you have to adapt to completely new circumstances. Relieves the condition in menopause syndrome and menopause symptoms. Facilitates the state of girls in puberty. All these effects are provided without any chemistry, solely due to the special combination of medicinal herbs.

Active ingredients:

Ashoka (Saraca indica).The main field of application is the female reproductive system, ashoku is called a tonic for women. The tool has hemostatic, blood-purifying, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, antispasmodic, diuretic, analgesic, antidote properties, helps maintain a healthy female reproductive system, balances pitta and kapha. It is effectively used in Ayurveda for all types of menstrual disorders, especially in cases of excessive bleeding during the menstrual cycle, for convulsions, uterine cramps and abdominal pain, as well as for hormonal imbalances, all female disorders, vaginal disorders, ovarian dysfunction, PMS, infertility . Strengthens the muscles of the uterus and stimulates the follicle in the ovary, alleviates excessive bleeding and menopause symptoms. Neutralizes bleeding of another nature (for example,

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus). It is considered the best tonic for the female reproductive system, it treats many of the diseases associated with it, even those considered to be quite serious. Saponins, hormone-like substances contained in shatavari, are very similar to those produced by the body itself, due to which many miraculous properties of the plant arise. This drug has a good effect on lactation, rejuvenates, normalizes hormone levels and the menstrual cycle, relieves spasms, tidies up the digestive tract, helps to get pregnant. Among the most active substances in the chemical composition of Shatavari are the following: phytosterols (normalize the functioning of the hormonal and reproductive systems); saponins (vegetable analogues of hormones); asparagine (improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels); bioflavonoids (natural antioxidant).

Indian Mango (Mangifera indica). It nourishes and tones the nervous system, gives strength and vigor to the whole body and cleanses it of toxins. Mango helps to keep young and fresh look for a long time, and at the same time, stops premature aging. Pulp of immature mango differs from mature one in that it has almost no sugar, and it is very rich in vitamin C. According to Ayurveda, amchur has a positive effect on hearing loss, activates the small intestine, improves blood circulation in the lung tissue, relieves muscle fatigue. Normalizes calcium metabolism in the body, improves vision.

Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa). It has astringent, cooling, antibacterial, tonic and absorbent properties. Stops bleeding, helps heal wounds quickly. It is an antiseptic, relieves inflammation, helps with ulcers, diarrhea, dysentery, stomach pain, cramps, heart palpitations, restores skin elasticity, contributes to the effects of other medicines.

Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa). The famous Ayurvedic remedy, which puts all three doshas in order, rejuvenates and strengthens all body systems. It has a tonic, analgesic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Removes toxins from the body, accelerating recovery in most diseases. It nourishes and restores body tissues: bone, muscle nerve, plasma, blood. Normalizes the functioning of the reproductive organs, which is important both for conception and childbirth, and for the health of the body as a whole. In men, spermatogenesis improves, and in women, the menstrual cycle is restored and milk production increases.

Purified iron (Lauh bhasma). It is recommended for use with anemia, reducing the tone and the appearance of weakness during pregnancy and breastfeeding, anemia, menstrual disorders, as well as weight loss and liver disease when there is iron deficiency. Takes an active part in the formation of body tissues due to not only quantitative, but also high-quality nutrition of cells. It is an ideal treatment for the treatment of typically female ailments in any period of life, from menarche to menopause.

Shiladzhyt (Asphaltum). Complicated chemical formation, the so-called "mountain resin." It is a highly water soluble mixture of organic and inorganic substances. Mumiyo Shiladzhit produced from a mixture mined in the mountains of Tibet and the Himalayas. For medical purposes, it is cleaned of impurities in compliance with all hygienic standards. The structure of the mummy includes 28 chemical elements, micro-and macronutrients, metal oxides, amino acids, tar-like substances and essential oils. All of them are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system, muscles, heart, teeth, brain, reproductive organs. Especially useful as a supplement to the diet for women in menopause, as well as those who use oral contraception. It is also important for the cardiovascular system, which gives elasticity.

Instructions for use: 1-2 tablets twice a day after meals. The drug is recommended to take the appointment and under the supervision of a specialist.

Composition Reston:each tablet contains: Shiladzhyt (Asphaltum) - 18.95 mg, Praval Bhasma (Corallum) - 14.20 mg, Purified iron (Lauh bhasma) - 14.20 mg, Mezuya iron (Mesua ferrea) - 11.85 mg, Pavonia (Pavonia odorata) - 11.85 mg, Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllym) - 11.85 mg, Cyperus rotundus (Cyperus scariosus) - 11.85 mg, Holarena antidizenteriynaya (Holarrhena antidysenterica) - 11.85 mg, lily stellate (Nymphaea stellata) - 11.85 mg, sandal white (Santalum album) - 11.85 mg, Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - 11.85 mg, Zira (Cuminum cyminum) - 11.85 mg, Ginger (Zingiber officinale) - 11.85 mg, Pippali (Piper longum) - 11.85 mg, Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) - 11.85 mg; Ashoka (Saraca indica) - 47.40 mg, Lodhra (Symplocos recemosa) - 59.25 mg, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) - 94.80 mg, Indian Mango (Mangifera indica) - 28.45 mg, Sacred Ficus (Ficus religiosa) - 7.10 mg, Pessimus Mimosa (Mimosa pudica) - 21.35 mg, Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) - 18.95 mg, Patang (Caesalpinia sappan) - 7.10 mg; Excipients: Gum acacia - 14.20 mg, Starch - 4.75 mg, Talcum - 4.75 mg, Sodium Carboxymethyl Cellulose - 2.35 mg.

Purpose: malfunction of the reproductive organs at any age, restorative tonic for the female reproductive system, premenstrual stress, menopausal syndrome, urinary tract diseases, women's health, menopause.

Special features

Active ingredients: 

Ativish (Aconitum Heterophyllum)

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashoka (Saraca indica)

Purified iron (Lauh bhasma)

Zira (Cuminum cyminum)

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Star Water Lily (Nymphaea stellata)

Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa)

Indian Mango / Amchur (Mangifera indica)

Mesua ferrea

Shy Mimosa (Mimosa pudica)

Nagarmot (Cyperus scariosus)

Pavonia (Pavonia odorata)

Patanga (Caesalpinia sappan)

Pippali (Piper longum)

Pravale Pisti / Coral (Corallum)

Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa)

White sandalwood (Santalum album)

Syt round (Cyperus scariosus)

Ficus sacred (Ficus religiosa)

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)

Holarena (Holarrhena antidysenterica)

Shatavari (Asparagus racemuosus)

Shiladzhyt (Asphaltum)

Ayurveda appointment: 

For women's health


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Reston, women's health elixir, 100 tabs, manufacturer Maharishi Ayurveda; Restone, 100 tabs, Maharishi Ayurveda

  • 966.38INR