• Triphala, Table 60, the manufacturer Dabur; Triphala, 60 tabs, Dabur

Triphala - an ancient formula for recovery of the body, cleansing it of toxins and enhance the protective functions of the immune system. Triphala widely used in practice Ayurveda for treating and preventing a variety of diseases of various age groups.

Product Name "Triphala" translates as "three fruit." This is due to the fact that the product contains in its composition of three fruit: amlu, haritaki and Terminalia Bellirica.

The drug works on all types of human tissues and balances all three doshas - Vata, Pitta and Kapha, leading to a state of optimal functioning of all systems of vital activity. Due to this effect Human health is improved significantly. At whatever age he was, he began to get sick and suffer fewer gastro-intestinal disorders, improves skin condition, leaving joint pain, heal faster various injuries on the body - wounds and bruises, increased activity and increased efficiency.

As a result, a mild and gradual release of the body of ama (toxins), Triphala tones and rejuvenates the body tissues, increases the efficiency of metabolic processes. After purification of large and small intestine, as well as liver and gall bladder, spleen and pancreas, all normalized GI function. It increases the production of enzymes that break down complex products to a more simple, which helps to improve the absorbability of nutrients from food, causing the body begins to get more nutrients and vitamins for their valuable work.

By drinking this Churna body ceases to be suffering from chronic constipation, as under the influence of her soften the stool, facilitating bowel cleansing process. At the same time it kills many gastrointestinal pathogens. In addition, acting as enterosorbent drug normalizes lipid metabolism and allows you to control your appetite due to better absorption of food, which makes it indispensable in the fight against overweight.

Besides all the above, the drug is a source of vitamins, especially vitamin C, and used as a food additive. Triphala nourishes the mind and body, and on a deeper level helps cleanse the aura, to develop mental abilities and organize the work of the chakras.

Hindu sacred text Charaka Samhita says Triphala as follows: "Whoever takes Triphala for a year, get rid of all diseases and live to be a hundred!"

Active ingredients:

Amla (Emblica officinalis). Helps to normalize blood glucose levels, supports heart health. 100g of fruit pulp of this plant contains 30 times more vitamin C than an orange. It strengthens teeth and bones, promotes hair growth, improves digestion, metabolism, increases immunity. It helps synthesize hemoglobin, cleans toxins from the liver and other internal organs. The fruit has a rejuvenating effect, and outputs neutralize heavy metals and free radicals.

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula). The well-known anti-aging herb. Slows the graying of hair and accelerates their growth, a positive effect on memory and eyesight, cures diseases of the lungs and digestive system, acts as a mild laxative, improves immunity and normalize digestion. Helps to get rid of parasites, helps restore normal intestinal microflora.

Terminalia Bellirica (Terminalia belerica). Rejuvenating plant with tonic, anthelmintic, laxative effect. It helps with a number of diseases and tidies high vata dosha. Displays stones from the digestive tract and have a positive effect on all bodily functions.

Instructions for use: 1-2 tablets at bedtime and 1 tablet in the morning on an empty stomach one hour before meals, washed down with warm water or milk. Minimum prophylactic administration of a course of 50 days, after the end of the break is optional. Use this medication under the supervision of the Ayurveda specialist.

Contraindications: do not take the medication for diarrhea and dysentery. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age and people over 70 years.

Composition Triphala: Amla (Emblica officinalis), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Terminalia Bellirica (Terminalia belerica).

Purpose: dyspepsia (violation of absorbability of nutrients from food), constipation of various origins, gastroparesis, cardiac problems, a weakened condition after surgery, digestive disorders, high blood pressure, vision problems, premature hair graying and hair loss, a large amount of toxins in the blood, stomach ulcers, obesity, balancing the doshas, diabetes, and metabolism.


Active ingredients: 

Amla (Emblica officinalis)

Terminalia Bellirica (Terminalia belerica)

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula)

Appointment of Ayurveda: 

Balancing the doshas

Weight loss

weight normalization



purification of blood




Digestive system

Gastritis / ulcer





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Triphala, Table 60, the manufacturer Dabur; Triphala, 60 tabs, Dabur

  • Brand: Dabur
  • Product Code:Triphala tabs Dabur
  • Availability:In Stock
  • 167.60INR