Udzha - this Ayurvedic tonic for the eyes of a wide spectrum: from the removal of eye fatigue to treat cataracts without surgery. Means eliminates the redness and irritation of the eyes after contact with water (from the pool or sea) clears tear ducts, strengthens blood vessels, improve vision, treat conjunctivitis.
Since the drops are produced on the basis of Udzha tradtsionnogo Ayurvedic prescription only from natural ingredients, they are perfect for those who do not tolerate chemicals and to whom surgery is contraindicated.
You can use them to relieve eye tension after a long work on the computer, reading books, driving, watching TV, lack of sleep and fatigue.
When used consistently improve vision, nourish the eye skin, cleanse the eyeball and lens.
Drops Udzha were sold in India in 1955, and for the past 70 years are used as a non-surgical treatment of cataracts, especially in its initial and middle stages. Means can destroy the cataract and bring it out of the cornea. Drops help and running cataract unless there was complete blindness, and if we use them for a long time. When a mature cataract, they are capable of but not cure the disease, but improve vision.
To get rid of the cataract, depending on the extent of the disease should be applied drop Udzha from 4 months to a year (on the course will take 4-12 bottles). Treatment should not be interrupted, as in the first two months is cleansing of vessels and channels through which the slag will be displayed, and then will the destruction and removal of cataracts. Then needed a prophylactic course of two to three months a year, as the cataract tends to regenerate itself. This happens even after surgery for lens replacement.
Active ingredients:
Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa). One of the most revered plants Ayurveda in Sanskrit "punarnava" literally means "new again". It has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. Reduces pain in the eyes, tearing decreases, improves metabolic processes and cellular nutrition. It slows down the development of cataracts.
Potassium nitrate (Potassium nitras). It has analgesic and antimicrobial action.
Instructions for use: Drops should be used twice a day for two drops of morning and evening. After each reception should eyes to rest for 10 minutes, and the next 2 chasa try not eyestrain.
When the drip drops, you feel a strong burning sensation in the eyes - it is a normal effect, which says that there is cleansing. With tears will be displayed contamination of the eye. At this time you need to be patient and in any case not to rub or wash the eyes, because it neutralizes the effect.
It is best to use the drops in the morning after washing and in the evening before bedtime.
During treatment drops are advised to take ayurvedic preparation "Triphala" or "Triphala Guggul" (1/2 teaspoon with hot water before bedtime or one tablet, depending on the type of drug). This will enhance the effect drops and eliminate occurrence of constipation, since long-term use possible drops constipation.
Drops cause a burning sensation, be used with caution for infants. Do not use the drops when you use contact lenses, glasses during the course will suit better.
Shelf life Udzha drops: closed virtually no shelf life, but after two years may appear dark, floating pellet that does not reduce the quality of the drug. Date of manufacture is indicated on the packaging.
Store droplets cool dry place away from sources of heat and glare. Do not freeze.
Purpose: ocular diseases (glaucoma, trachoma, corneal opacities, myopia and hyperopia, conjunctivitis, degenerative processes of body tissues, inflammatory processes). It is used as a tonic, soothing cleanser for eyes.