Vrikshamla - an ideal natural remedy for weight loss and weight management by improving metabolism and slowing down of fat breakdown. It helps keep toned figure and health is normal.
Vrikshamla (Garcinia indica) - grass, prozrastayuschaya in the forests south-western part of India. Since ancient times, it is considered an ideal natural remedy to control appetite and cleanse the body of toxins. The combined effect promotes weight loss agents have been magically truly leads to a reduction in the formation and accumulation of body fat and subcutaneous fat splitting. This is because the tool slows down the process of transition carbohydrates into fat.
While taking the drug Vrikshamla you will notice not only decreased appetite, but also improve the overall health, increase vitality and activities of daily living.
The product does not contain any chemical additives and preservatives, not tested on animals. Causes no adverse events and allergic reactions.
Active ingredients:
Vrikshampa (Garcinia indica). It improves digestion, but it reduces appetite, helps to keep toned and slender figure, good frees the body of toxins. It helps cleanse the liver, gives a rejuvenating effect, slows the conversion of carbohydrates into fat, lowers cholesterol and blood lipids, lowers the risk of fatty liver. It prevents the production of fatty acid synthesis in the muscles and liver. It increases the body's energy potential. Contains serotonin, which is called the "hormone of happiness", gives a good mood and positive thinking.
Instructions for use: take 1-2 tablets 2 times a day or as directed by a specialist. During the drug continuously drink per day for at least 2 liters of water. The drug is recommended to take prescription and under supervision of a specialist.